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Data Types

Primitive types

The primitive data types of JSON are taken, which are:

  • string
  • integer
  • number
  • boolean

Skima types

They are the data models that are part of the Skima Core: Widget, Constraint and Action.


Widgets have four attributes:

  • type: It is the name of the widget to use as a model.
  • id: Is an identifier for the current instance of the widget. It is optional.
  • props: It is a properties object to correctly build the Widget. The values of this object can be of a primitive type such as a Skima type.
  • constraints: It is an array of Constraints that will be applied to the widget in question.


They have five attributes:

  • id: Uniquely identifies the constraint. It is optional.
  • type: It is the type of constraint to apply. Can be: topEqual, bottomEqual, rightEqual, leftEqual, height, width, centerX, centerY or horizontalMargin. It is mandatory.
  • to: Where appropriate, indicates against which side of the other widget to apply the constraint. It can be: top, bottom, left or right.
  • of: Where applicable, it is the id of the widget against which the constraint must be applied.
  • value: It is a number that indicates the value of the constraint.


Actions have three attributes:

  • type: It is the name of the Action to use.
  • id: Uniquely identifies the Action. It is optional.
  • data: It is an object with all the necessary parameters to execute the action correctly. The values of this object can be of a primitive type such as a Skima type.